Wednesday 8 September 2010


We have a storyline for our film which will obviusly reflect on the trailer:
It is about a boy who is bullied by his classmates, then takes his revenge on them by killing them. This part of the story is reflected in the trailer, however there will be more to the narrative which is yet to be decided.

We have an idea for our first shot, which will be a pan of a full circle of bullies (from a point of view shot) laughing at the camera mockingly. The sound will be echoed and the image slightly blurred to create the effect of the victim breaking down.
We have started to cast our bullies and are sorting out costumes. The costumes will be a basic black skirt or trousers, white shirt and we are looking for school type ties to buy for our actors, (suggesting they are still at school and ages 16/17). They will need to be dressed to reflect a rebellious character; the opposite to the victim, so dressed to suggest they are rebellious, sexually active, outgoing, party goers and not academic, so the girls will have short skirts and alot of make up, and the boys will have untucked shirts, loose ties and possibly beer bottles if we shoot it in the park. If we shoot in a school setting, alcohol bottles will not be present.

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