Tuesday 28 September 2010

Storyboard changes

Our basic idea for the storyboard has chaned a little. Instead of the trailer focusing on the victim, we're now focusing on the victim's friend, which means the narrative will be about the friend abandoning the victim. This means the narrative changes from being about bullying to bullying and betrayal, which will be reflected in the trailer. This gives us more of a chance to add ideas, because the narrative is more open, and add in lots more camera shots, as it can be from different points of view.

Start: Equilibrium of main character walking into a party scene. Loud, fast paced, upbeat music, lots of people.

Walks through, editing switches from fast to slow, blurry, clear, black and white, etc. This will be done to emphasise drug and alcohol use. As the camera focuses on different people, we edit the scene to quickly flash to those people's deaths. Camera sound, etc.

(None of this is very clear, so that not too much of the narrative is given away.)

End: Yet to be confirmed...

We still need to decide actors, as they need to be perfect for the part and reasonably good at acting, storyboard completely, and play around with the macs more so we know we can actually achieve this effect.

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