Friday 24 September 2010

Poster Analysis - Tormented

This poster is unusual compared to others, as it is presented landscape. The title is still in the Golden Section, as is the tag line "A New Class of Terror." This also shows the audience that the setting for the film is in a school, and most of the characters will be of school age. The main colour scheme of the poster is black, showing that the genre of the film is going to be quite ominous. "Tormented" is written in red, to mkae it stand out, and to lead the audience to believe there is going to be blood in the film. The only other writing in red on the poster is the year that the film is released, suggesting that the makers thought that this is as important as the title. The seemingly dead bodies lying around adds to the idea that there will be blood. The main character is in the middle of the poster, and he doesn't stand out very much. He is only visibly different because he is clearly alive, he has his shirt off and he is looking directly at the camera. The position of the dead bodies around him suggest that he might be the cause of them. They are positioned randomly, suggesting that the deaths are all different. All the characters are in school uniform, suggesting that they all know each other, and that there is a common reason for their deaths.

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