Monday 13 September 2010

Questionnaire Results

We posted our questionnaire on our facebook page, twitter, our blog and on our actual facebook statuses, so we got lots of interesting results.

Question 1: Please select your gender
67% Female
33% Male
Question 2: Please select your age
0% Under 14
78% 15-18
0% 19-25
22% 26-39
0% 40+
Question 3: Out of all the thrillers you have seen, which, in your opinion, was the best and why?
These were the main films mentioned - Cujo - "made me afraid of dogs"
Inception (mentioned a number of times) - " there was always something new that the audience was learning and it just kept you involved in the story line the whole time"
"its so unusual and has you thinking. the storyline is amazing and there isn't too much gun violence (like action gun scenes), but there are still loads of action, edge of your seat scenes. it draws you in, and isn't hard to watch"
Paranormal Activity - " tense, jumpy, makes you think after"
Saw - "the storylines are really intresting and get me into the films, the places the film is set e.g in a dark creepy underground place make it someones kind of worst nightmare"
The Number 23 - "as jim carrey is a good actor and he brought a lot to the film. story line is good an the twist at the end leaves the audience thinking."
Question 4: Out of all the teaser trailers for thrillers you have seen, which, in your opinion, was your favourite and why?
nception - "it showed you enough action to enable us to understand a bit about the storyline, but still kept some parts back to make you want to watch the film to find out more about the film like when they show the street curling up above their heads in the trailer"
"it leaves the audience wondering what the film is about and makes them want to find out more, making them look on the internet to find out more"
"it doesnt give you too much information but it gives you just enough to want to see more. the music is dramatic and makes you feel that the trailer is advertising excitement"
Paranormal Activity 2 - "If you've seen the first one, you know what to expect in the second one, making the audience see links between the two. If they enjoyed the first one, they automatically want to watch the second one"
Seed of Chucky - "have a guess"
The Others - "family tied up by physco's and they asked why us and the answer was "because you were home" pure class."
"Can't remember the film, sorry, but it started with like a fuzzy screen which makes it really freaky and then has kind of a creepy voice which really freaked me out and then went into some action of some scenes wi
th people screaming and blood going across the screen at the end."
Question 5: In your opinion, what are the three most important features in any thriller teaser trailer?
Editing, music, sound, action, atmosphere, date of release, doesn't give too much away, intriguing, music, plot, "scariness", shock factor, shows main characters, tension, name of film, the way it finishes, ie, making the audience want to come and see the film.
Question 6: What features would you not want to see in a thriller teaser trailer?
Bad acting, the ending, it being too long, boring music, not saying release date, the whole film in 30 seconds, boring scenes, inappropriate sound for the genre, too much dialogue, too much or too little storyline, all creepy bits shown, leaving nothing to the imagination.
Question 7: For the thriller genre, what would be the best location for most of the action?
Everyday locations
Somewhere creepy and freaky eg, dark, empty house
In a dark and freaky place, like a dark house with no power and no way out
In a secluded area, such as the woods
Question 8: Our basic narrative idea is loosely based around bullying. Where do you think bullying is most likely to occur?
"Somewhere grotty-looking."
Question 9: As the audience, would it be more interesting for the bully/bullies to attack a single person or a group of people?
78% single person
22% group of people
Question 10: What main characteristics do you think make up a stereotypical bully?
Aggressive, chav, dirty looking, doesn't care, emotionally unstable, fat, female, female attacking female, has no real friends, him and his "posse," in a "in crowd," is always getting in trouble, jealous of person he's bullying, large, leafey, looks the part, male, male attacking male, not alone in bullying, not very smart, quite strong, rich, rude, scruffy, single child, someone who is/was bullied, stereotypical bully, surrounded by other bullies, tall, too much make-up if female, tough looking, trouble maker, ugly, unhappy at home.
Question 11: What main characteristics do you think make up a stereotypical victim of bullying?
Bit of a loner, brainy, colour of hair, colour of skin, different, dresses too smartly, emotionally unstable, fat, ginger, girl, glasses, has problems, has something wrong with him, illiterate, intelligent, interesting background, loner, male, "nerd," nerdy, no friends, ot very popular, quiet, scared, scared to speak his mind, short, shy, skinny, small, smart, ugly, weak.

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