Thursday 31 March 2011

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

In the construction of our trailer we used cameras to film the piece. We used this equipment to our advantage experimenting with different cameras to find the best and using them to create advanced camera angles. We used the latest version of iMovie on a Macbook Pro to edit all of our footage and experimented with GarageBand to create sound. After experimenting with GarageBand we decided to use YouTube to download music and sound effects. We used an iPod and iPod speakers to create diegetic sound in our party scene, and in the beginning "weapon" scene.

For our research we deconstructed teaser trailers to follow codes and conventions and take and develop ideas. We investigated into sound by experimenting with Garageband and writing practice "club" music.

We created scenes which we sped up and slowed down and practiced adding non-diegetic and diegetic music. This helped us use the time lapses in our final teaser trailer. 

We researched into codes and conventions of the thriller genre looking at conventional locations such as the shower and stairs (which we used in our teaser trailer) and typical costuming. We researched into websites, magazines and posters to prepare for our ancillary tasks mainly focusing on empire magazine, thriller websites (such as The Grudge) and interesting posters (such as Inception). We researched into conventional costuming by watching current programmes such as skins and relevant thrillers such as tormented. To decide on a production company we researched into a variety and finally decided on Warner Brothers as it was the most relevant to our genre. We also researched into age ratings and decided on an age rating of 15 as we felt this would reach our target audience. We deconstructed a lot of inspirational films, such as The Grudge, The Ring and Tormented.

We anticipated the use of camera angles and we showed this in our storyboard. From early on we decided we were going to use a piece of music which would be current and fit with our target audience, so therefore we chose an upbeat catchy song. After practice editing on iMovie we decided on the type of editing we felt would be the most appropriate and effective to our genre and this was used in the final project.

In the evaluation stages of our project we uploaded the teaser trailer onto YouTube which is a very reliable digital community where we were able to receive a lot of feedback. We promoted the trailer on social networking sites such as Twitter, Flickr and Facebook.

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