Tuesday 14 September 2010

Analysis of Questionnaire Results

Question 1: Please select yout gender

As you can see, around two thirds of the participants were female.

Question 7: For the thriller genre, what would be the best location for most of the action?

The most popular locations are somewhere dark and creppy, and in the park. This tells us that these would be good places to film some of our scenes.

Question 8: Our basic narrative idea is loosely based around bullying. Where do you think bullying is most likely to occur?

The results clearly show that school is the most obvious place where bullying is most likely to occur. This is good, because this helps us plan our narrative into something the audience would expect to see.

Question 9: As the audience, would it be more interesting for the bully/bullies to attack a single person or a group of people?

Most of the participants feel that it would be more effective for the bullies to attack a single person, which helps us to decide our narrative.

The last two questions refer to the bully/bullies and the victim. Most of the answers oppose each other, such as the bully's characteristics would be aggressive and the victims' weak. This suggests that when we show the bullies and the victim, they need to be opposing each other. The bullies need to be fat, unintelligent, scruffy and rude whereas the victim needs to be skinny, smart, well-dressed and kind. We need to think about this when we come to casting, as the physical appearance of the people clearly matters to the audience. They also need to be good actors, as the whole quality of the teaser trailer will decrease if the acting is bad.

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