Wednesday 8 September 2010

Fake Blood

Because we have a lot of crime scenes in our teaser trailer, we need fake blood, and a lot of it so here is a recipe for a large quantity of blood.

Buckets of Blood

1 Litre Corn Syrup

5 Litres Water

2 or 3 Tablespoons Red Food Colouring

1/2 Teaspoon Green Food Colouring (optional)

A slosh of milk

Get a large pail to mix this all together. If you do not like the consistancy you can either thin it with more water, or thicken it with sugar or corn syrup. The exact amount of food colouring you require will depend on the brand you buy, so you may need to play around with the measurements. If you make it too dark, just add more water again. Adding some milk will reduce the translucent of the mixture (real blood isn't see-through, but if you want clear blood, leave the milk out of the recipe). Don't add too much milk or the blood will look pink!

Once we have tried it out we will upload pictures and videos.

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