Friday 15 October 2010

Research into Websites

Positives of websites:
Originality through specific features of content
Eye catching colours
Interesting typography
Creative images
Interesting information and exclusives
Easy interaction
Easy transgretion of information
A good domain name

Negatives Of Websites:
Links that don't work
Links that only work with javascript
Abbreviations and jargon which make no sense to other people.
When it’s slow and takes a long time to load.
A small font thats difficult to read.
Annoying sounds
Sound you can’t turn off and constantly repeats
Annoying adverts
Colour clashes
Pointless decoration and unnecessary features which creates a cluttered look
Scrolling horizontally
Noises when clicking on a link

Things to consider when building website:

The Functionality –

Cultural awareness
Text – download order
Interaction times
Legality (copyright) intellectual property, quotations.

Design –
Graphic design – Typography
Clever graphic techniques
General aesthetics
Use of colour
Presentation of photos/shots from film
User friendly
Professionalism (quality of finish)
Attention to detail

Content –
Purpose (intentions)
Simple clear wording
Clever clarity for the audience to be drawn in
Interactivity - Interaction with attendees of the website
Extra information to the film – building the desire to see it – interviews etc.
Verbal expression – clarity of grammar and use of language – spot on with spelling and punctuation – attention to detail – use of language important
Core issues – the essentials bits of the film to attract audience – integration into the website

Originality -
Different ideas
Distinctiveness – individuality – special features – multi sensory – noise – emotional expression tied into the entire website throughout – the emotion generated through the trailer
Sound editing
Predictive research – negative and positive aspects of websites – build creation of website – creates originality.

Overall Effectiveness-
All other aspects contribute to these 2 key areas.
Operational effectiveness
Communication effectiveness

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