Wednesday 13 October 2010

Analysing Typography

Analysing typography will help us come up with more creative ideas for our titles and will help add interest into our final teaser trailer. The typography is a huge part of the teaser as it does not only display information relevant to the trailer but it also contributes to the codes and convetions of the genre.
this is an artform made up of only words, although the words are uncomprehensible, the form in which they are presented show a literal image which shows more than words. There are a few words which are comprehendible, one of them being "Beast" which could be a discription of the overall image made up of all the typography.
The use of this type of typography shows a LITERAL representation of what the word means. The word is not only represented through letters but also through imagery, which gives a big impression on the audience and has a good impressive over all impact. The writing is clear and in a 3D format. It is in a silver/blue type of colour which gives a technological feel to the writing along with the lightening bolts and sparks coming from the overall word. Despite the business of the picture in the middle of the word, it is still comprehendible.

This typography has a 3D neon effect to it. Despite the fact that its pretty much incomprehendible, it is still impressive through the use of colour andc its impressive 3D effects that seem to come soaring out of the picture. The flaw of this typography seems to be the jumbling of the letters as most of the second word we are unable to make out.

This picture is almost entirely made up of words which is highly impressive as it is almost a new form of art. The words used are obviously in some way linked to the character that is made up of them and by doing this it gives more of an insight into the character rather than if the character was just painted or drawn. By using the words a bigger representation of the character is shown. The words are mostly white but are shaded in darker and lighter shades to fit with the shadows of the picture. Some words like "misfits" and "rebels" suggests ideas of stereotyping.

The use of colour in this image is highly significant it explores through a variety of colours and uses a unusual font. There are swirls of colour that immerge from the typography which blends into the background of the picture. The words are all made up of lines, there are no curves or rounded edges which makes the word look harsher and gives a more technological feel to the picture.

Although this is not a total representation of words, the technology used to make it is very impressive. The clock is made up of a lot of different letters which change through light behind different letters creating a new word, and showing the time which changes often.

This i find the most impressive of most texts, as although it is only one simple letter, the way it is presented is incredibly creative and iconic. Although there is most likely a chance that the image has been photoshopped or edited in some way, it still creates a big impact. The way the letter is composed out of a variety of materials and objects is extremely imaginative and gives a sense of realism to the overall presentation of the letter.

This is incredibly intelligent and original. The word has been adapted into what appears as a fingerprint and gives a heavy impact on the audience. It gives suggestions to ulterior interpretations of the word and uses a very convincing shape to appear to blend with the rest of the image. The font is clear and comprehendible and also very imaginative and different.

This is another impressive piece of typography art. It uses the same word "Joker" (who the character in the picture is known as) repeatedly to create the image of the Joker. It is used horizontally, landscape, in small and big fonts, and in different colours to create the overall image. It is almost used as a device of shading. As you get closer to the eyes the words get darker.

Overall, among our group the most popular piece of typography is the Judge fingerprint image, it is highly effective and original and we would like to consider a similar idea for our own typography.

1 comment:

  1. Who is the artist that created the Steve jobs typography art?
