Thursday 14 October 2010

Crime scene tape

The question is, will we need crime scene tape?..

Classically, crime scene tape is bright yellow so that it will be highly visible, with black lettering and symbols such as stripes. “Crime Scene: Do Not Cross” is a popular choice for lettering, and the tape may also reference the specific agency doing the investigating, such as police or a government agency concerned with national security and criminal investigations. As a barrier, crime scene tape is primarily visual, since people can easily duck under it or step over it.
When law enforcement officials arrive at the scene of a crime, they may choose to put up crime scene tape if they feel that sensitive evidence could be damaged or compromised. Murders and other serious crimes are usually grounds for breaking out the crime scene tape, and the tape may also be used in high-profile robberies and other cases. Once the tape is strung, officers may be posted in the area to ensure that only people with authorized identification are allowed to cross the crime scene tape and enter the area.

I think however we do not need it as within the storyline as the pictures will be taken the morning after the deaths, therefore the police are most likely not to about the deaths yet.

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