Tuesday 19 October 2010

Costume changes and ideas

Recently we have changed our original idea of using stereotypical "chavs" in our party scenes. Instead we have decided to make the piece seem a lot more like drama meets horror, similar to tormented. To do this we are analysing the clothing of dramas such as skins:

The boy characters are wearing jeans or tracksuit bottoms with simple plain designed t-shirts. The girls are dressed uniquely in their own attractive way. Each character has their own unique style which creates interest into their individual personalities. If we analyse their characters we will be able to decide what different personalities and characters we can use in our own media.

"Maxxie" is the stereotypical homosexual of the group. He wears a lot of loose and comfortable clothing as he is a dancer. His hair is light and styled loosely and his face is completely clear and smooth, he appears to have no imperfections.

"Tony" is the "Leader" of the group he usually wears a lot of simple clothing such as tracksuit bottoms or jeans with striped or plain tops. His hair is styled perfectly straight with a long fringe which sweeps across his forehead. He again has no imperfections and is portrayed as very attractive.

"Chris" is the "dim" one of the group. He usually dresses in sleeveless t-shirts with jeans or tracksuit bottoms. His signature accessory is his green flat cap which he wears for most of the series.

"Sid" is the nerd of the group and he again wears jeans with plain t-shirts or/and hoodies. His signature accessory is his "beanie" hat and his glasses. Although Sid is supposed to be the most unattractive of the males and the least desireable he still appears attractive with no imperfections.

"Anwar" is the "quiet" one of the group he dresses simply again with just jeans and t-shirts with a hoodie. He is yet again attractive and in his own way appealing.

Michelle is the "loud" one of the group, she wears a lot of make up and wears short and revealing clothing flaunting her sexuality. She yet again appears to have no flaws within her appearance making her appeal to a large audience.

"Jal" is the "intellectual" and "musical" one of the group she dresses simply and a lot less provocatively than Michelle which suits her character. She along with the rest of the characters appears beautiful with no flaws.

"Cassie" is the "weird" one she acts very strangely and this is sometimes reflected in the way she dresses. She often wears loose floaty clothing which represents her free personality. She often wears bright colours and her hair is often quite knotted or flowing which shows her "wildness". She is again attractive with no flaws in her appearance.
All the members of skins are attractive and appealing in most ways therefore all of our characters in our media "party" will have to look "perfect" with a lot of make up. Although the characters are very different they are all appealing and attractive in different ways appealing to a large audience. A lot of the characters different personalities is also reflected through their costuming. By each character of the media dressing individual we will be able to represent them in a unique way which is set with this personality however by perfecting hair and make-up we will be able to make them appear extremely attractive and with little flaws in their appearance. We are also going to avoid branded clothing.

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