Friday 17 September 2010

Codes and conventions of thriller posters

The poster places the name of the famous actor at the top of the image, this will draw in fans of dicaprio so his fan base will be inticed to see the movie. The font is clear and bold, and in red which is a typical colour for the thriller and horror genres, The red most obviously suggests blood or death. The image is cleverly photographed and edited to show the many different layers and complications in the film. The main character is typically placed as the most prominent in the picture. The colour scheme of the picture is mostly blue and white and black which gives a futuristic and technological feel, and also makes the red title stand out.
This poster contains some relevent text to the film. The text is at the top of the poster suggesting that the image is a result of the quote. The text seems to immerge from the clouds. Typically the actor/actress names are placed along the bottom of the poster, they are just above the title making them stand out, as the actors have big fan bases it is important for the success of the film, to have their names visible. As with most movie posters the main character of the film is the closest in the image to the front of the poster. Both inception and the Dark night include skyscrapers in the background of the image. The typical logo for the branded batman is also cleverly placed on the building. The angle of the shot is a low angle shot, so the viewer is looking up at the main character "Batman" showing he is superior to the audience and "superhuman". The Batman logo is also placed at the "golden section" of the poster.

From psycho we are planning on using the idea of a death in shower scene. This poster draws on the most famous aspect of the movie psycho therefore marketing itself typically, the shower picture with her hand on the glass shows she is reaching for help, with the blood on her hands it shows desperation and therefore inticing the audience and suggesting the genre. The title is again apparent at the bottom of the poster along with the release date in red, the black and red colours are typical of the horror genre. The text is very simple and plain which draws the audiences eye to the picture. The picture of the hand is located at the "golden section" of the poster. The title is ripped suggesting destruction.

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