Wednesday 3 November 2010

Target audience

The movie for our teaser trailer is based around an existing movie called 'tormented' which is described as a 'skins horror', going by this, we took costume and makeup and character ideas from both tormented and skins. Our target audience are 15-18 years old and of both genders, inevitably the same target audience as skins. This means that we will rate our movie a 15, to appeal to this audience we are going to include mild sexual scenes and gore. The trailer will be of a party (also appealing to this age range as they will relate to the situation) and will feature teenagers aged 16-18, so again, the audience will relate to the characters. To further appeal to this age range, the costumes and makeup will typically be plain jeans/t shirts/skirts, NO logos, designer labels or sportswear. Dressing our characters like this will help the audience either relate to them, or empathise with them. This is because if we have a certain social group (i.e emos) at the party, the audience will already have their own opinion of that social group and we want to avoid that. We want the audience to empathise with the characters.

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