Wednesday 3 November 2010

Top Ten Thrillers

Top ten psychological thrillers:
1. The Ring
2. Sixth Sense
3. The Blair Witch Project
4. Paranormal Activity
5. The Haunting in Conneticut
6. Gothika
7. Rosemary’s baby
8. The Shining
9. Whatever happened to Baby Jane
10. The Grudge

Top 10 Thrillers:

1. The Godfather (1972)
2. The Godfather: Part II (1974)
3. Elite Squad 2 (2010)
4. Inception (2010)
5. The Dark Knight (2008)
6. Goodfellas (1990)
7. Fight Club (1999)
8. Rear Window (1954)
9. Psycho (1960)
10. The Usual Suspects (1995)

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