Thursday 5 August 2010


We have a questionnaire! Please could you complete it if you have any time to spare.

Thank you!

Question 1: Please select your gender

Question 2: Please select your age

Question 3: Out of all the thrillers you have seen, which, in your opinion, was the best and why?

Question 4: Out of all the teaser trailers for thrillers you have seen, which, in your opinion, was your favourite and why?

Question 5: In your opinion, what are the three most important features in any thriller teaser trailer?

Question 6: What features would you not want to see in a thriller teaser trailer?

Question 7: For the thriller genre, what would be the best location for most of the action?

Question 8: Our basic narrative idea is loosely based around bullying. Where do you think bullying is most likely to occur?

Question 9: As the audience, would it be more interesting for the bully/bullies to attack a single person or a group of people?

Question 10: What main characteristics do you think make up a stereotypical bully?

Question 11: What main characteristics do you think make up a stereotypical victim of bullying?

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